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    Complete Guide to Natural Skincare Ingredients

    Commonly featured in natural and organic cosmeceuticals, 从植物中提取的植物成分在达到澳门皇冠体育的预期效果方面起着至关重要的作用. 此外,植物成分影响了许多消费者的澳门皇冠体育选择. We all enjoy knowing what goes into our beauty products, 熟悉的成分占据了有机药妆领域的中心舞台.

    What are Botanicals?

    化妆品中常见的一类有效成分是植物成分. 这些活性成分完全从植物中提取,并且往往包含其他普通活性成分旨在达到的多种效果. 植物成分通常被发现为植物油、提取物或茶. 虽然这些澳门皇冠体育来自熟悉的地方,但它们并不总是适合所有人. 过敏的人需要特别小心他们的植物澳门皇冠体育, as some products may cause allergic reactions. Before buying, always read the product’s ingredients list.

    Common Botanicals in Cosmeceuticals
    With such a wide variety of plants, botanical products cover a wide range of effects, 从提亮皮肤和去角质到改善水合作用和治疗疤痕组织. Popular botanicals include:

    Green Tea Extract

    绿茶含有许多抗氧化剂,作为一种饮料,它主要以对健康有益而闻名. 含有绿茶作为有效成分的护肤品 hold more benefits than you may be thinking. 研究发现,绿茶中的初级多酚化合物, EGCG, holds numerous skincare benefits.  In skincare, green tea extract’s essential compound, EGCG, can reduce redness, swelling, and irritation caused by acne, rosacea, dermatitis, alopecia, and keloids. In two studies conducted in 2005 and 2013, 绿茶也被证明可以改善皮肤的弹性和水分, reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

    Bromelain Enzyme

    Because it comes from pineapple stems, bromelain enzymes are rich in vitamin C and vitamin E维生素c被许多人认为是改善皮肤外观的两种必需维生素. Bromelain enzymes 在美洲经常用来治疗关节炎的蛋白质是什么, sinus inflammation,  and infections. However, these internal effects have yet to be confirmed. 含有菠萝蛋白酶酶的护肤品通常被用作温和的去角质剂,以去除面部和身体的死皮细胞. 菠萝蛋白酶是一种经过验证的抗炎剂和皮肤清洁剂. Ideal for reducing inflammation and gently removing dead skin, Bromelain enzyme is a popular ingredient in burn creams. 该成分最好用于烧伤恢复的中后期,去除死皮,减少刺激. The ingredient does not only help get rid of dead skin cells, it gently reduces blackheads, along with redness and swelling in blemishes.

    Papain Enzyme

    Another tropical enzyme, Papain, comes from the papaya plant. It’s an excellent treatment for several ailments, including sore throats, poor digestion, and even shingles symptoms. 在药妆品中,木瓜蛋白酶是另一种抗炎剂. 除了消炎,木瓜蛋白酶还能减轻由晒伤等轻微损伤引起的局部疼痛. Ideal for speeding up the healing process, 木瓜蛋白酶面霜和药膏最好用于减轻皮肤紧绷, dryness, 以及其他与愈合疤痕组织和结痂有关的刺激.

    木瓜蛋白酶被用在护肤品中,温和地去除死皮细胞, making it an excellent option for exfoliation. 木瓜酶使你的皮肤更清洁,更明亮,还可以疏通毛孔,减少瑕疵引起的炎症. For these reasons and more, 寻找含有木瓜蛋白酶作为活性成分之一的澳门皇冠体育无疑会对你的皮肤产生奇迹.

    Albizia Flower Extract

    Originating from southern and eastern Asia, the Albizia flower is a beautiful bloom from the silk tree. Also known as Albizia julibrissin extract, 这种树提取物通常用于治疗昆虫叮咬引起的红肿, acne, and other skin irritants. Alongside albizia julibrissin, the African variety Albizia adianthifolia contains similar compounds and effects. Both varieties contain beneficial compounds like dipeptides, elliptosides, fatty acids, flavonoids, and histamines. 合欢花有助于防止皮肤过早老化, significantly reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles. 含有合欢花作为活性成分,确保你的皮肤明亮, even, and youthful.

    Bellis Perennis Extract
    Better known as Daisy Flower Extract它是对苯二酚的天然替代品,对苯二酚是一种常见的皮肤增白剂. 作为一种有效的护肤成分,百年莲的好处之一是它的抗炎特性. 在你的护肤品中加入雏菊提取物还可以通过平衡你的肤色,让你的脸更亮,减少黑斑和衰老的迹象, youthful appearance .Ideal for reducing redness, hyperpigmentation, and swelling, 雏菊提取物是天然美容师治疗酒渣鼻和皮炎等皮肤病的常用工具.

    Bearberry Extract
    High in antioxidants and a natural alternative hydroquinone, bearberry extract is a popular skin brightener. Derived from the bearberry evergreen, bearberry extract contains the antioxidant berberine, a powerful anti-aging agent that reduces wrinkles, fine lines, and inflammation. 除了抗衰老的特性,小檗碱还具有抗菌的特性.

    有许多令人难以置信的自然衍生替代品,我们已经使用在我们的 SB-7 Skin Brightener and Lucent Power Pads. Another natural alternative is bearberry extract for your skin. 虽然它不含对苯二酚,熊果提取物有许多相同的好处. 选择含有熊果提取物的护肤品有助于解决黑斑, making them safer. As an alternative to hydroquinone, 熊果提取物是一种极好的天然替代品,用于治疗由疤痕引起的红肿和色素沉着, acne, and chronic skin conditions like dermatitis and rosacea.

    Saffron Creams
    我们清单上的最后一种成分,藏红花奶油,来自藏红花番红花. Mainly used as a spice, 藏红花是一种抗氧化剂,当用于面霜和乳液时,可以帮助皮肤. As an antioxidant, 藏红花可以减少炎症,防止太阳的紫外线, 哪一种是由皮肤中氧自由基的积累引起的. 以藏红花为基础的面霜也可以减少皮肤上的红肿和色素沉着, 藏红花油可以促进伤口细胞的生长和发育, making the ingredient perfect for treating psoriasis.

    Along with its value as a lightening agent, 藏红花是治疗其他皮肤问题的完美良药. Saffron helps repair cell damage to your skin, 随着天气的变化,哪个变得越来越重要 seasons. 藏红花还能减少色素沉着,是一种抗炎成分, perfect for treating redness and blemishes.

    Final Words

    要想找到适合自己的护肤品,就需要研究其中的有效成分. By doing this, you are doing your skin a big favor. 优先考虑上面列出的一些成分是重新开始你的护肤程序的完美地方.

    At Hale, we prioritize cosmeceutical products free of parabens, dyes, artificial fragrances, phthalates, and formaldehyde. Among these products come botanical cosmeceuticals. The list of beneficial active ingredients doesn’t stop there. For those who want to learn more, check out the different active ingredients found in products from Hale Cosmeceuticals.


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